Spiral Plating and Automatic Colonies Counting
Kimki / 2023-02-19
Eddy Jet 2W Spiral Plater
- EDDY JET 2W is a laboratory device used for spiral plating. It dispenses a precise amount of culture onto the agar plate in a controlled manner, producing a consistent and reproducible spiral pattern. This can save time and effort compared to manual plating techniques, and also reduces the risk of contamination.
General description
- Components: a: main unit, b: disposable micro-syringe c: disposable sample beaker d: holder for micro-syringe e: holder for beakers box f: holder for 10 beakers
Traditional serial dilution method
Dilute Samples into suitable dilutions
Plate 100 ul of different dilutions on different agar plates
Ideally, plates containing 30-300 colonies per plate should be counted
Introduction to spiral plating
Spiral plating is a technique used in molecular biology to grow and culture bacterial or yeast colonies on agar plates in a spiraling pattern. This allows for more efficient use of space on the plate and also provides a visual representation of colony growth patterns
Spiral plating is a two-in-one method: diluter and plater at the same time. The spiral plating method can save time and resources by cutting down on additional dilution and plating steps
Spiral platers rotate an agar plate while pour decreasing amounts of liquid sample onto its surface describing an Archimedean spiral
After incubating the plates, colonies appear distributed along the spiral’s track with a radial decrease in concentration. In this fashion, a single 90 mm Petri plate contains across its surface the equivalent to a threefold decimal dilution concentration range
Operating procedures
Prepare serial dilutions from a sample culture.
Choose the appropriate dilutions according to your estimate of the original CFU of the sample culture.
Put around 700—900 ul of dilution into a new beaker.
Open the lid, place an agar plate, put the beaker in holder.
Select spread settings, automatic feeding, automatic identification.
Press the Green arrow to start.
Can be counted manually with a specific counting grid
Usually counted with automatic colony counter
SphereFlash colony counter
General description
The SphereFlash® is an Automatic Colony Counter that meets all the requirements for modern microbiology laboratories.
The optional Halos PRO app, the SphereFlash® unit can be transformed to measure inhibition halos accepting various circle approximation criteria to obtain the corresponding diameters of virtual circle areas.
Put the Petri Dish in the centring device of SphereFlash
Choose the method you want to apply according to your plate
SphereFlash counts the colonies in a few seconds
Obtain the report and print it in PDF
Counting examples
- For example, counting Campylobacter, method: TEMPLATE_Sharp; inoculation mode: E_Mode_50ul; Dilution factor: 100,000; Plate Diameter(mm): 82.